Aug 28, 2009

Print Images Across Multiple Pages in Ubuntu

Ubuntu, which I use as my primary desktop OS is sweet, but it always has these little issues, when things you're used to in Windows are either hard or impossible to achieve. Well, there's nothing impossible when it comes to Linux, it just depends whether it'd take two minutes or five years to achieve whatever it is you want.

Today I had to print a large image across multiple pages and couldn't find an easy way to do this. Apparently, this is a known issue.

One messy way to do this (assuming you have the time and resources to get the right size) is this:

$ lp -d hp -o scaling=200 -o media=a4 filename.png

Where hp is the name of the printer and 200 is the size of the original image in percents.

Sadly enough, this only works for bitmap images. I had to export my original .svg file to .png, otherwise I was getting just a part of my svg which was cut to fit the A4 sheet.

Aug 20, 2009

Page Title in Wicket

For a simple Wicket webapp, setting page title can be as easy as using the wicket:message tag, like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title><wicket:message key="page.title"></wicket:message></title>

Where in the .property file, related to each page, the page.title property can be set to whatever the page is titled.

When you have a complex application, however, you might need to have more control over the page title, specifically when the title has to be dynamically generated depending on, e.g., product name.

There might be different approaches to this, but the one I'm using allows to have a default title for all pages which can be overriden for each particular page.

Most of the times, there's a base page for all the other pages. The pageTitle label is added to the page, HTML placeholder for which is the <title> tag.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title wicket:id="pageTitle"></title>

Then we add the component to the page.
The idea is to have a quick method to replace the pageTitle component model once the data required to construct title is loaded. So the setPageTitle(IModel model) method is added.

public class BasePage {

public BasePage() {
add(new Label("pageTitle", new StringResourceModel("page.title", this, null)));

protected void setPageTitle(IModel model) {

Now, in the ProductPage that extends the base page, we fetch the product data and update the page title:

public class ProductPage {

final int id;

public ProductPage(PageParameters params) {
id = params.getInt("id");
final Product p = productDao.get(id);
// add components or whatever
setPageTitle(new StringResourceModel("pageTitle", this, new Model(p)));

The has also to be updated, assuming the product has getTitle() and getPrice() methods:

page.title=Shiny ${title} for just ${price}!

That's the basic idea. I'm not particularly happy with this approach as it requires to always remember to update the pageTitle component and push the title into the page. I'd actually prefer a way to override something so the title would be pulled for me. Ideally, that would look like this:

add(new Label("pageTitle", getPageTitle()));

Unfortunately, in this case if the label is added on the BasePage, even if the getPageTitle() is overriden in the ProductPage, since BasePage is constructed prior to any logic found in ProductPage, there is no data to return in getPageTitle().